Myomectomy involves the removal of uterine fibroids.
The uterus, cervix, Fallopian tubes, ovaries and vagina
all remain intact.
Fibroids are lumps which form in the wall of the
They can cause heavy menstrual bleeding and are
occasionally painful, especially in pregnancy. Fibroids
occur for no apparent reason, and are completely non-
The operation is performed under a general anaesthetic,
and the time taken wili depend on the number and size
of the fibroids to be removed, but is usually 1-2 hours.
During the operation, a catheter may be passed
up the
urethra into the bladder to draln off the urine. A plastic
tube may also be inserted into the wound to remove any
slight bleeding. These tubes will be left in place for
48 hours.
There is a small chance that a hysterectomy may
needed, if any bleeding cannot be stopped.
Patients may develop a temperature immediately
the operation, but this is quite normal. Although there
be some discomfort following surgery, this will be
controlled with pain killers. Vaginal bleeding may also
occur, but is usually light.
The average length of stay in hospital is 5-7 days
normal activities can be resumed within 6-8 weeks.
There should be no problems with sexual intercourse
following the operation.